God's Word is Life

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:22 KJV

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Today’s lesson will discuss the phrase “God’s Words are Life”. When we think about “life” we usually think about three different types of “life”. For example the majority of people in the earth today think about being “alive”, so when you mention the word “life” to the average person they immediately think about “living” here on earth. Yes, as soon as the doctors and nurses see (or sense) movement in the baby they start concluding that the baby is “alive” or one could say the baby in the womb has “life”. We consider this first type of “life” for not just people but all animals and plants which means the word “life” could have several different connotations. Yes, “life” could mean the spirit (the heart, the core) of the person, animal or plant is still active and present in the organism producing “life” or we could be thinking of “life” in the second general type as being whatever happens to people while they “live” on this earth. How many times have we heard the phrase, “That’s Life!” when something typical happens to another person or even ourselves. This second term of “Life” is basically highlighting mankind as a whole encompassing all the daily activities people do and confront while living their “life” upon this earth. We can understand that these two types of ‘life” are focused around the natural man and natural animals and even the natural plants because when the “life” is removed from any person, animal and plant you know it right away. For when “life” is removed death becomes very visible and noticeable to all those who see them after the spirit of “life” is departed. However, when we study the reference verse of scripture which states, “God’s Words are life to those that find them” we notice two separate things. The first being that “life” in this third context is not talking about the spirit of man or the spirit of any natural thing but rather the Word of God. Yes, the all-powerful ever living Word of God which endures forever and ever. Hence, God’s Word knows no death, therefore God’s Word is eternal and perpetually alive in His Children. This is great news because if we are born of God’s Word we shall never die either. Remember 1 Peter 1:23 KJV which states, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” The “life” referred to in this scripture is the awesome “life of God”. Yes, the same “life” that raised Christ Jesus from the dead. Yes, this is specifically speaking about the same “life that God is” and the same “life that emanates from God’s Presence”. This “Life of God” is so powerful that it not only sustains all things in its presence but it also resurrects all things in its presence too. Yes, this force of God’s Life can raise the dead as mentioned in 2 Kings 13:20-21 KJV which states, “And Elisha died, and they buried him. And the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year. And it came to pass, as they were burying a man, that, behold, they spied a band of men; and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet.” The “Life of God” is so faithful that it lingered in the bones of Elisha and this same Life of God is so powerful that it drove out death without anyone praying for the man. We also see the “Life of God” in action under the New Covenant when Jesus commanded Lazarus to come forth in John 11:43-44 KJV which states, “And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.” This is a wonderful example of “God’s Word of Life” because we notice Jesus did not touch the dead man He simply spoke His Word and death departed while “life” entered into Lazarus. Now, please understand that “God’s Word of Life” is still just as powerful today as it was during the days when Jesus walked the earth as the Son of Man. Yes, “God’s Word are Life to those who find them” which brings us to the second part of Proverbs 4:22a which clearly states that “man must find God’s Word”. Oh we (ihlcc) wish we didn’t have to “find them” but we do understand why this terminology was used. One primary reason is because God’s Words are revealed to those who are looking for God. This might sound strange but it is a sad truth, “Not everyone is looking for God”. There are millions of people who don’t want to know God and choose to stay ignorant of God’s Ways (His Word) because they don’t want to submit themselves to God’s Will. Yes, God’s system is so perfect that no one will be able to enter into the knowledge of God by accident. Yes, some people might think that it was only by chance that they came to a specific church service but we (ihlcc) choose to believe God ordained for their presence to be there and he also opened their eyes to see God’s Word which means they will not only hear God’s Word but understand enough about God’s Word that they clearly know what they need to do next to draw closer to God. They can change from death to God’s Life by receiving God’s Word of Life in the very instance they confess Jesus as their Lord. All those who seek God will find God’s Word because whosoever seeks God shall find Him according to Matthew 7:8 Likewise, all those who don’t seek God shall never find Him because the mind (eyes) of all those in darkness can’t see The Light, Jesus. We take comfort in knowing that “the life for mankind, animals and plants is good and living “life” in general is reality but the “Life found in the Word of God” is ever presence to bring God on the scene. God’s Word is “God’s Life” and it overcomes all things on earth and even in hell because Heaven itself radiates this “Life of God” established from God’s ever living, everlasting, all-encompassing Word of God. As a Christian this “Word of Life” is our sole source of “life” on the earth and extending unto Heaven for the rest of our lives in Jesus Name. Amen!